Wednesday, April 14, 2010


What a player huh?!?!? I just wish the photographer wouldn't have caught me in mid-stride. I began prepping to get my gear situated, the logo on full display, swagger on full tilt, and no God-forbidding crust on my lips. But as you can see, they successfully captured a 6'5 Camodo Dragon waving his tongue in pursuit of unsuspecting prey. Basically the Discovery Channel meets Streetwear Fashion. This was my first major debut photo-opp, so please spare the rod and ENCOURAGE the child. The College Times flagged me down as I was preparing to catch a quick-flick at the Tempe Marketplace Shopping Center. This popular local newspaper was producing a segment on the new trends uprising in the area. I was so hyped to be recognized and to unexpectedly receive my first feature in the public eye. I even received numerous phone calls from many former friends and past relationships. Some praised, other heckled. But at the end of the day, those same certain peers of mine inquired how to in fact purchase the particular t-shirt I was wearing in this project. Favor?

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