Friday, April 23, 2010

Lifeguard Assistance Please...

A.... Double L.... N.... I.... C.... E.... They hate against WE!!! I am the undisputed champ. Aliases include Wavy Davey. Mr. Atlantic Motion. El Numero Uno A La Playa. Sea-Sick Smith. So on and so forth. My hair-game is equivalent to the colonial days when Columbus set sail to embark on new land. Upon his arrival, the Native Americans had never seen, witnessed, or even heard of such sorcery. The astonished Indians could not understand or even begin to comprehend the actual sight of his massive ships approaching their shorelines because they had simply never seen something so unusual like that before. This black magic I speak of was EXACTLY like my first day of high-school. No man, woman, or child had ever been exposed to such a devastating combination of style and attitude either. No this passage is not about my long time childhood friend's and I overdue reunion. No it is not about my own twin brother that I haven't seen in ages finally catching up and sharing a few laughs. And it is definitely not about us all coming together for an internal wedding between the five of us. This particular post is strictly about how "sweet" my hair is.

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