Monday, April 5, 2010

New Jumpoff....

Its goin' down like Charlie Brown! May 30, 2010 Memorial Day Weekend will be an honorable salute to our veterans and also a celebration for some uprising brands here in Phoenix. We are personally starting to feel some valuable recognition with a slight pinch of admiration for our unique brand. Frankly, We are truly blessed to be apart of the show. This event coming up shows me that the abstract "black- collar entrepreneur" has evolved and replaced the traditional "blue-collar worker". Frankie Pina, the project coordinator, and I sat down at a local Starbucks one chilly Friday morning to discuss the future plans he wishes to unfold. This ambitious visionary came with a crinkled yellow notepad equipped with a rather dull ink pen. As he struggled to scribble various notes and comments, I thought to myself that this young cat has way to much on his plate. The overall perception, outside looking in, did not even seem remotely promising in all honesty. I was sadly mistaken. King Of Beers "Budweiser, the infamous "Fresh Fiends", "Me-Phi" Boutique, Broken Blvd., DJ Astonish, and of course the consistent "ALL-NICE" will all be in the building! If your in town, come join us on one the city's fliest roofdecks where the champagne and fashion will spill into the streets.

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