Friday, April 30, 2010

Lock-Ness Monster/Big Gun Contra.....

We have created an all-new graphic strictly for the Sneaker Heads out there! This is the crown jewel of our entire Spring 2010 Collection. In this streetwear fashion industry, 99.98533217% of the customers who purchase a fitted cap do so to match with there shoes. Many different brands and organizations solely base their new material and colorways on the next anticipated release of the Air Jordan XI, Nike Dunks, Forces, and etc. Thus meaning, "SNEAKERS RUN THE GAME". This particular design will be available in Black/Red. In addition, we have restocked our inventory of completely sold-out fitteds which include Mad Cheeze, Mad Paper, and Make it Rain all in brand-new colorways. The "ALL-NICE" Fitted Cap & Premium Couture Spring 2010 Collection will drop on May 7, 2010 at select retailers.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Can't Stop Us...

Yes People. Yes People. We have received numerous phone calls and emails in regards to re-stocks and new products, so here is the 4-1-1. After selling-out nearly every item in store from our Fall and Winter season garments, the "ALL-NICE" Fitted Caps & Premium Couture Spring 2010 Collection is set to drop at select retailers on May 7th 2010! Four brand-new fitteds, five corresponding tees, and a surprise accessory. Stay tuned for more after the jump.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Lifeguard Assistance Please...

A.... Double L.... N.... I.... C.... E.... They hate against WE!!! I am the undisputed champ. Aliases include Wavy Davey. Mr. Atlantic Motion. El Numero Uno A La Playa. Sea-Sick Smith. So on and so forth. My hair-game is equivalent to the colonial days when Columbus set sail to embark on new land. Upon his arrival, the Native Americans had never seen, witnessed, or even heard of such sorcery. The astonished Indians could not understand or even begin to comprehend the actual sight of his massive ships approaching their shorelines because they had simply never seen something so unusual like that before. This black magic I speak of was EXACTLY like my first day of high-school. No man, woman, or child had ever been exposed to such a devastating combination of style and attitude either. No this passage is not about my long time childhood friend's and I overdue reunion. No it is not about my own twin brother that I haven't seen in ages finally catching up and sharing a few laughs. And it is definitely not about us all coming together for an internal wedding between the five of us. This particular post is strictly about how "sweet" my hair is.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

New Business Card???

I love the purity and the innocence portrayed here, but does the overall image need a change? Is it to early to even consider? I wonder how often start-up businesses change their own business card. Nevertheless, some major additions will be listed in our next installment. It will include Facebook, Twitter, Business Email, and an alternate Business Phone Line. Our partners in crime, G73 Studios (, always provides us with service that is superior in quality and continues to exceed our expectations on any venture we propose. "ALL-NICE" Fitted Caps and Premium Couture Spring 2010 shipment will be here next week! DON'T SLEEP.....

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Critical Condition...

Bruised sternum. Three cracked ribs. Sever concussion. I got hit by THE most gorgeous Semi-Truck ever manufactured. If love is blind, then I truly believe that faith should be used as braille. My overall perspective of being a "good companion", a "good father", or even a "good citizen" period has been completely incinerated by a dynamite combination of immoral values, dis-beliefs, and pure hypocrisy. A wolf in fox's clothing. Roger Rabbit's ultimate conquest. Coursing venom sweeter than honey. As a creature of habit, I will surely drown my sorrows in a familiar pool of alcohol and women, prematurely knowing that it will only mask a deficit which will never suffice. Foolish pride tells me go twice as hard, so it will obviously last twice as long. Right? Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday night are stamped, sealed, and delivered with all the bells and whistles attached. Maybe my ingenious theory will work this time minus the annoying stomach aches and temporary pleasures.

Friday, April 16, 2010

M.O.D.A.L.E.W. One Year Anniversary!!!

Our good friend David Lewis will be celebrating his company's One Year Anniversary on Saturday the 17th at the ALOFT Hotel in Tempe. I met David when we opened up our Scottsdale location and we've been supporters of his movement ever since. Dave is a genuinely good dude with a great attitude and work ethic to match. If you're in Arizona this weekend come hang out and help us celebrate...... MODALEW ERA baaaaby!!!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


What a player huh?!?!? I just wish the photographer wouldn't have caught me in mid-stride. I began prepping to get my gear situated, the logo on full display, swagger on full tilt, and no God-forbidding crust on my lips. But as you can see, they successfully captured a 6'5 Camodo Dragon waving his tongue in pursuit of unsuspecting prey. Basically the Discovery Channel meets Streetwear Fashion. This was my first major debut photo-opp, so please spare the rod and ENCOURAGE the child. The College Times flagged me down as I was preparing to catch a quick-flick at the Tempe Marketplace Shopping Center. This popular local newspaper was producing a segment on the new trends uprising in the area. I was so hyped to be recognized and to unexpectedly receive my first feature in the public eye. I even received numerous phone calls from many former friends and past relationships. Some praised, other heckled. But at the end of the day, those same certain peers of mine inquired how to in fact purchase the particular t-shirt I was wearing in this project. Favor?

Monday, April 12, 2010

Junk Mail...

Diggin' through a couple ancient folders of mine and stumbled upon some lost artwork that never got a chance to see the light of day. There are hundreds of these hopeful gems waiting patiently to be called up to the big-leagues one day. The fact of the matter is that 90% of my creations and designs will simply not make the cut. Whether it is due to public opinion, lack of time, or just my personal bias; I humbly declare that not everything I touch turns to gold. But when my instincts serve me correctly, the results are instant classics. My uncle used to tell me that I had "Million dollar hands, on a three dollar pen." Here are the excuses for these blunders:
Image #1: "Swallow Your Pride" (T-Shirt)
-Thought it was a cool idea but just did not see people getting it....
Image #2:"Quit Cock Blockin" (T-Shirt)
-There is supposed to be a hand swatting the basketball away......lets just say my mother didn't approve........ I don't know why?
Image #3:"I'm Dope" (T-Shirt)
-Supposed to be Dopey from Snow White & The Seven comment....

Monday, April 5, 2010

New Jumpoff....

Its goin' down like Charlie Brown! May 30, 2010 Memorial Day Weekend will be an honorable salute to our veterans and also a celebration for some uprising brands here in Phoenix. We are personally starting to feel some valuable recognition with a slight pinch of admiration for our unique brand. Frankly, We are truly blessed to be apart of the show. This event coming up shows me that the abstract "black- collar entrepreneur" has evolved and replaced the traditional "blue-collar worker". Frankie Pina, the project coordinator, and I sat down at a local Starbucks one chilly Friday morning to discuss the future plans he wishes to unfold. This ambitious visionary came with a crinkled yellow notepad equipped with a rather dull ink pen. As he struggled to scribble various notes and comments, I thought to myself that this young cat has way to much on his plate. The overall perception, outside looking in, did not even seem remotely promising in all honesty. I was sadly mistaken. King Of Beers "Budweiser, the infamous "Fresh Fiends", "Me-Phi" Boutique, Broken Blvd., DJ Astonish, and of course the consistent "ALL-NICE" will all be in the building! If your in town, come join us on one the city's fliest roofdecks where the champagne and fashion will spill into the streets.

Thursday, April 1, 2010


"FAVOR" means to give special regard to; to treat with goodwill; to show exceptional kindness to someone. Sometimes, it means to show extra kindness in comparison to the treatment of others; that is, preferential treatment.
If you happen to be a frequent visitor to the blog, then chances are you have seen this particular word pop-up ever now and then. This biblical term means a great deal to me and plays a major role in my life. Simply put, without it I would be nowhere. Somehow God and his great infinite wisdom placed me in positions where at first I took for granted and truly didn't realize the advantages I could receive. Whether its the company I "just happen" to work for, the gas station I "just happen" to stop at, or the people I "just happen" to meet at the gym; it feels as if there is some type of connection between them all. A mere coincidence that these certain events and situations occur. Maybe its the cliche phrase of being at the right place at the right, or could it be something bigger than that? Here is a ***SNEAK PREVIEW** of our Summer 2010 Collection. This specific fitted is Number 1 of a 3 part series. Its not a fashion statement, but a sermon.