Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wisdom Wednesdays...

Every Wednesday, I plan to drop some knowledge on. Today announces our first-ever guest appearance on the ALL-NICE Blog, from the imperial Gabriel Sanchez ( See these words, and eat this thought.....

Consumerism "the Definition"- is a social and economic order that is based on the systematic creation and fostering of a desire to purchase goods or services in ever greater amounts.

Consumerism is an “experience” that consists of the feelings, smells, sounds and expressions that you notice as you enter shopping malls, plazas, vacation spots and amusement parks. One can even experience consumerism at a local convenience store just around the corner. It’s where transactions of all sorts take place. Wherever you may be, just take a step back and observe what is actually happening.

As you walk by the stores, fragrances change almost as if there is an invisible wall. Without even knowing, the atmosphere almost pulls you into every shop you walk by. As you take a look around and observe how other people in your vicinity react to this invisible wall of smell, they respond as if the shop is some sort of elegant Venus fly trap. They aren't bothered by being part of this shop’s hourly meal of consumers only to be spit back up, so that the other stores can get a crack at chomping away at their flavorful wallet!

Some of the customers walk around wearing the confidence on their face and showing it in their stride. They can go into any store and make purchases at will, while others are merely looking through the glass walls into the shops, just to browse at what they would buy if their income was greater. Then you have those that are on a mission to purchase what they need and get out as fast as they can.

Places like these can inspire, defeat or amuse you if you step back look around and begin to take it all in ... the experience of being a consumer!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks! As always I look forward to checking out your blog and now with Wisdon Wednesdays I can't wait to see what you have in store next Wednesday!
