Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Wisdom Wednesdays....

"Think & Grow Rich" By Napoleon Hill

"Made To Stick" By Chip and Dan Heath

These two precious gems both played major roles in sealing my greatest achievement to date and effortlessly seizing the opportunity of a lifetime. The first book I have every truly read completely from cover to cover was called "Think & Grow Rich" by Napoleoon Hill. I carry an indestructible affirmation that Napoleon's discovery is second to only the Holy Bible. The wonders of Hill's teachings transformed my mental attitude and the overall outlook on life forever. It is a motivational guide that any aspiring entrepreneur can not live without.
The proceeding book entitled "Made To Stick" by the Heath Brothers, enlightens readers through a powerful acronym they coined from the term, "SUCCESs". The (S) being "Simple", the (U) meaning "Unexpected", the (C) standing for "Concrete", the following (C) as "Credibility", the (E) representing the word "Emotional", and finally the (S) which translates to "Story". Correctly applying these six principles will undeniably resonate your brilliant idea with anyone from your elderly grandmother to the post-officer who delivers your mail every morning. In my case, it was a multi-million dollar company.

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