Thursday, March 18, 2010

Not A Diss...

From day one the main focus of our company has always been to provide quality products that potential customers can truly see a tremendious amount of thought and detail went into each of it's ultimate creation. Our logo never dominates any of the graphics or designs we manufacture for sale, and never will. Sure we could make a quick buck by just slappin' our logo or brand name on few different assorted items and goods, but that would be taking the easy route. It is pretty much a standard method of business these days. 50%, or perhaps even more, of the consumers that purchase "Streetwear" are only interested in who is hot at the moment. It is almost a popularity contest. If your not wearing the newest "#$!*@>", then your not cool. These misguided spenders are only looking to buy the latest sneakers or a particular t-shirt produced by a specific brand because it is a household name. In effect, these band-wagon bandits throw adequacy out the window for the sake of relevancy. These actions are simply used to cover up hidden insecurities. Hopefully this post will rattle the cage of these spineless POSERS out there reeking havoc on the industry. The abundance of recycled themes, dull concepts and basic script tees are escalating at an alarming rate. Whatever happened to makin' your own lane?

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