Tuesday, May 11, 2010

How You Do Dat???

Customer Sketch to Consumer Good:
Original drawing scanned into computer:

Editing and artwork clean-up:

Mach-Up Example:

Finished Product marketing on web to consumers:
“Without the slightest ounce of thrust, even the strongest airplane can not leave the ground.” Let your business truly take flight with Studio G Seven Three. Our main objective is to unleash your vision to the world through effective marketing strategies such as graphic design, artwork restoration, photography, advertisement ploys, company logos, and much more. We are Cinderella’s glass slipper. The missing link to your success. The catalyst behind many of the premiere uprising brands today which include Broken Boulevard and ALL-NICE. Our heralded services are ensured to turn any dull caterpillar concept into a glorious butterfly of achievement. Transition your business from the block to the boardroom. Transform your distinct ideas and thoughts into tangible concrete products. Here at G73, we will enhance and magnify your talent by bringing it to the forefront. Silence the critics through our explicits.

- www.gseventhree.com

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