Friday, May 14, 2010


A...Double L... N.... I.... C... E... They hate against WE. Instead of pan-handling merchandise from a stubborn Honda Accord LX, we figured a major change was in order. A significant turning point in our lives. A good deed for the day.The act referring to kindness. To give these unfortunate "little guys" a shot. After a year and a half of them pleading their case, we finally decided to give the passionate hopefuls a chance. Since both parties are multi-million dollar companies, they both use the kitchen table as their office space, and the living room as their warehouse; we came to the conclusion that this universal partnership is a match made in six-panel heaven! ALL-NICE Fitted Caps will be available for sale at the following Hat Club locations on May 14th 2010: Arizona Mills Mall (Tempe,AZ), Hat Club (Online), and Hat Club (Sunvalley, CA)!!! Please show your love, support, and spread the word. After all, they need all the help they can get.

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