Monday, July 12, 2010

Summer Heat....

If you find a job that you love, then you will never work a day in your life. Simply put, we are the Ying and Yang. Kid & Play. Stockton and Malone. Old-fashion red beans and rice. As a matter of fact, I will go as far as saying we are the male version of the influencial legendary group,"Salt n Peppa". Pause. No homo. But in all seriousness, every single time that Gabriel Sanchez from the supreme G73 Studios ( and ALL-NICE collaborate on any project, success always makes its apperance. The pleasant scent of aged Cuban Cigars and a Spanish Symphony lightly play in my mind while digesting these early snapshots. These few pics serve as a ***SNEAK PREVIEW*** of our "ALL-NICE" Fitted Caps & Premium Couture Summer 2010 Lookbook. Full album this coming Friday.
P.S.- The top scence captures Phoenix PD rolln' up on us low-key for treaspassing after business hours. What an action shot.

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