Friday, July 2, 2010

Brand Loyalty...

Our goal is provide the most efficient service of which we a capable rendering the fullest possible quantity and the best possible quality of service as salesmen of RCM Productions L.L.C. products. But sometimes players f*!# up. Mr. James Reynolds out of California sent me these pics this morning on an item he received earlier this week, along with a few kind words. Made me feel all warm in fuzzy inside. No homo. This customer informed me that even though his product was damaged, he rocked the "MAKE IT RAIN" Fitted Cap proudly without any qualms about it. Absolutely loved it! If that is not brand loyalty, then I truly don't know what is. He illustrated to me how dope the fitted is and the overall movement of the brand. Just more confirmation that we have firmly made our own lane and pledge to keep it that way. Next week, USPS has a nice gift ready to ship to this special customer.

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