Friday, July 23, 2010

Riff Raff Fridays!!!!

I want you guys to starting getting a better vision of me as a person. Every single one of posts, are strictly business related. On that note, I plan to keep it that way. I found my inspiration. Thus, I have decided to start MTV Riff Raff Fridays. If you do not find his entire style, lyrical ability, and bravery amusing, then you truly do not have a pulse. Let the reigne begin,.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Computer Love???

Surf n Turf on a late Wednesday night. Not sure were this hails from, but some distant blogger named Efubfeb dropped us a line. Looks Chinese. Check it out when you get a chance:

Friday, July 16, 2010

Summer 2010 Lookbook Specs...

Here are my personal favorites from our "ALL-NICE" Fitted Caps & Premium Couture Summer 2010 Collection Lookbook. You be the judge. The rest of the line will be available for purchase later on this month. Stay tuned.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Skittles In My Right...

If you are of the faint of heart, please revert your eyes from the scene above. Terminator T-1000 meets GQ meets Lamar Odom captured all on a mid-day sunny afternoon. When I was younger, my mother used to tell me I was either a handful or handsome? I truly can not remember, but it looks like both. Full album tomorrow.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Summer Heat....

If you find a job that you love, then you will never work a day in your life. Simply put, we are the Ying and Yang. Kid & Play. Stockton and Malone. Old-fashion red beans and rice. As a matter of fact, I will go as far as saying we are the male version of the influencial legendary group,"Salt n Peppa". Pause. No homo. But in all seriousness, every single time that Gabriel Sanchez from the supreme G73 Studios ( and ALL-NICE collaborate on any project, success always makes its apperance. The pleasant scent of aged Cuban Cigars and a Spanish Symphony lightly play in my mind while digesting these early snapshots. These few pics serve as a ***SNEAK PREVIEW*** of our "ALL-NICE" Fitted Caps & Premium Couture Summer 2010 Lookbook. Full album this coming Friday.
P.S.- The top scence captures Phoenix PD rolln' up on us low-key for treaspassing after business hours. What an action shot.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Lo Siento

Sorry guys. I really don't have much to say today. I've been on a "fast" for the Lord. 3 days strong; no television, no radio, no sex, no food. I am personally embarking on a business venture that will change my life as I know it forever. Keep prayin' for me. Goin' to hit my favorite Mexican fast-food restaurant called Amados in Tempe, AZ to purchase the whole menu tonight at 12:00am on the dot. Peace.

Monday, July 5, 2010

I'm Hungry...

Not in terms of persistence, or possessing a burning white-heat or desire to achieve an specific goal, but literally hungry. No television. No radio. No sex. No FOOD!!! The Lord said that if, "we get involved with his business, then he will get involved with our business". This is the second "fast" I have ever endured and it more than likely will not be the last. Nevertheless, the NO FOOD clause is overwhelmingly the most difficult to master. Some eat to live, but I live to eat. My right shoe has subconsciously transformed itself into a jumbo-size State Fair Corndog with all the trimmings. The daily planner has become remarkably similar to a children's personal pan cheese pizza. The powerful scent of golden crisp-cut french fries was distinctly present punching through various emails. For a brief moment, serious consideration was taken when determining if the small-vile of cologne resting on desk was a bottle of Apple Juice or just merely a fragrance accessory. Even my toothpaste taste out of this world. But the sacrifice must continue because the results have been and continue to be paramount to my success. T-minus 48 hours.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Brand Loyalty...

Our goal is provide the most efficient service of which we a capable rendering the fullest possible quantity and the best possible quality of service as salesmen of RCM Productions L.L.C. products. But sometimes players f*!# up. Mr. James Reynolds out of California sent me these pics this morning on an item he received earlier this week, along with a few kind words. Made me feel all warm in fuzzy inside. No homo. This customer informed me that even though his product was damaged, he rocked the "MAKE IT RAIN" Fitted Cap proudly without any qualms about it. Absolutely loved it! If that is not brand loyalty, then I truly don't know what is. He illustrated to me how dope the fitted is and the overall movement of the brand. Just more confirmation that we have firmly made our own lane and pledge to keep it that way. Next week, USPS has a nice gift ready to ship to this special customer.