Friday, June 4, 2010

Opening Act...

J.R., Big Ray, Gra-kos, Eye Of The Storm, Sebastian Cools
Peep all the sneakers low key.....
After wrapping up the event, I believe Tempe, Arizona quietly became the murder capital of the United States. The squad killed it. Literally. The whole vibe in their was extremely familiar. It felt like Robin Thicke feat. Snoop Dogg. Frankie from Epic Kingdom ( put out a great show for his first go-round, and naturally exceeded my expectations. When I say "naturally", I mean it in the sense of exposing the steel from the plastic. Nature verse Nurture. In this lucrative industry dominated by fabricated lies and absurd boasts, something concrete will always leak through in end. Frankie is one of the few. A...Double L... N... I... C... E...They hate against WE! More pics from the jump next week.

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