Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Turnin' Heads & Burnin' Tread....

After 9 different countries, 37 different states, and 147 different cities; I finally got my first HATER! Trying to digest this obnoxious article was like putting Horse Radish on my steak for the first time. They both looked good in the beginning but both ended with vomit all over my shelltoes. The ALL-NICE "Phoenix Guns" T-shirt sold 23 out of 24 in less than two weeks. (had to keep one for myself mind you) I am only guessing that the loyal customers who have purchased this particular item are just truly fans of the NBA's Desert Longshots and want to support their team through a creative and fashionable expression. Run "n" Gun is just simply a play-on-words. Nothing more and nothing less. I have the utmost respect for Phenomenal Swag's opinion to where a tiny part of me can sympathize with his mellow political stance on such a major current event but...............C'mon bro! Stop It, Pump your brakes bro! I feel like there was a subliminal shot sent my way bro. On the other hand in this particular case, any publicity is good publicity. There have been numerous occasions where common strangers have personally offered me to sell the shirt straight off my back believe it or not, so I gotta be doin' somethin' right! Stay tuned for the rebirth and a brand-new colorway at the end of the month. Happy New Years bro!
-To read the article, Copy and Paste the following link or Google "All Nice Phoenix Guns T-Shirt:

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