Thursday, November 12, 2009

Computer Love....

Can I get a #2 with cheeze, and can you PUBLICIZE it please for an extra 49 cents??? Check out Swag showin' your boys some love a couple days ago. This feature without a doubt generated some more buzz for the movement already in progress. Each stride takes us closer and closer to the ultimate vision. Lastnight, we received one of the most outrageous orders yet to date. I won't go into detail, but some little-birdie-under-the-sky nearly wiped your boi out. Not that I'm complaining. They say the key to a successful business is to be everywhere; all the time. The World Wide Web is an animal. Without the assistance of the Internet, I would still most-likely be panhandling my dreams out of my mobile office reaching only the city limits. The Lord is good for some reason.

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