Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Old Skool.....

I was cleaning up the office last night and I found these treasured gems. They are a few of my prized artwork pieces from back in the day. My mother tried to hide them from me behind the bookshelf, but the secret is out! I haven't seen these since I was in high-school rockin' "Tommy Hilfiger" from head to toe (I even had the socks...) That was almost ten years ago. The first two were in some elite Art Festivals around the city and performed higher than my expectations. The third drawing was done in Study Hall on the back of an English Quiz that I never studied for. The back looks good, but the front is a disaster. That last piece is unfinished and probably will stay that way. My twin brother unfortunately looks like E.T. Many apologizes Marcus.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Swagger Music, on the rise...

Swagger Music hit us up to spread the word about their plans to take over. By the looks of it, they are already ahead of schedule! Founded 2007 in the Mississippi Gulf Coast by Kevin Kartier (20) and Tevaar Smith (19), the two were fueled by the devastation of Hurricane Katrina to regain back what was sorely taken from them. The ambitious young cats teamed up with some of the hottest DJ's in the game, high-regarded DJ Smallz form the south and the United Kingdom's #1 DJ Ames. With Crown & The Crest being the staple to their overall efforts, Swagger Music is sure to become a household name at the pace they are setting. Check out the recent mixtapes they have pressed up. Definitely worth your time.

Here is the link to the mixtape they did with Dj Smallz entitled The Crown & The Crest:

Saturday, September 26, 2009


Feliz Cumpleanos! CRaZy NiCe akA PeA-BodY aKa Jerimiah Ireland is celebrating a stellar 27 years on God's beautiful green earth this afternoon. This self-proclaimed Bejeweled guru, video game activist, and undercover music producer coined iconic phrases such as "Nigwah", "Oh Gah", and the imfamous "YARG"! Once you get to know us, you will figure out that we sometimes find any excuse to drink and we usually start early. Today seems as good a time as any. So more than likely we will all be lit, wet, faded, intoxicated, and all of the above. Let the good times roll.....

Thursday, September 24, 2009

That Damn "AMADOS"!!!

If you live in the City of Tempe and cosume alcohol on a regular basis, then odds are you have heard of this safe-haven for high-schoolers and college kids alike. "AMADOS" Mexican Food Resturant prepares some of the best afterparty dishes known to mankind. Breakfast burritos, refried beans, rolled tacos, menudo; hamburgers and fries are even on the menu believe it or not. But you can never go wrong with their legendary Carne Asada Quesidilla that comes the size of an Encyclopedia, oozing with melted cheese and dripping with enough grease to fill an olympic swimming pool. I suggest atleast 4 small cups of Red Chili Salsa and a crisp Mountain Dew. If I had a penny for every time I have come here sick to my stomach from a long night with Uncle Morgan, I would have the biggest mansion and the prettiest Rolls-Royce in Arizona. Temporary tattoos and gumballs are a usual parting gift. Enjoy.

Amados Mexican Food:
6022 S McClintock Dr,
Tempe, AZ 85283, USA