Sunday, December 13, 2009

New Location....

From Crooks to Sneaktip to G-Schock, and now "ALL-NICE!!!" Check us out in action at , before our savior's birthday. They currently have sizes that we don't even carry anymore. In addtion, CF has a couple of our unique and bestselling tees that are available for purchase as well. To recieve 25% Off any order that is $55.00 or more, all you have to do is use the Promotional Code: XMAS. Happy Holidays.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

I'm So 2010......

fa-vor- Date: 14th century
1 a (1) : friendly regard shown toward another especially by a superior (2) : approving consideration or attention :

The future looks so bright, I'm almost blinded by it. Major moves have taken place over the last couple weeks which have opened my eyes and forced me to reflect. It made me realize that "Favor," is a trait or an attribute that is sometimes hard to come by; but if you find it, hold it closer to you than your worst enemy. Favor can turn day-dreamers to Forbes 500 listers. A dull worm to colorful butterfly. Black coal to a priceless diamond. It ultimately turns a frown upside down. Without favor, nothing can achieve it's full potential. Grace and favor are the only two things on my Christmas list.